

ConanDoyle-neg is a corpus of two Conan Doyle stories, The Hound of the Baskervilles and The Mistery of Wisteria Lodge, annotated with negation information at sentence level. In each sentence the negation cues and their scope are marked, as well as the main event or property that is negated within the scope of a negation cue.


The annotation guidelines are published as the CTRS technical report Annotation of negation cues and their scope that can be downloaded from here.


The corpus can be downloaded from here.

If you use the corpus, please cite the following reference:

R. Morante, S. Schrauwen, W. Daelemans (2011) Annotation of negation cues and their scope. CLiPS Technical Report Series, CTRS-003, April 2011. ISSN 2033-3544 [PDF]